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Enary - Shaman - Kul Tiras

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 1:34 pm
by Enary
Name of your character: Enary

Class: Shaman

TalentSpec: Resto or Elemental

Race: Draenai
Your Professions (and level): Herb (maxxed), Alchemy (441, maxxing isn't an issue, just no point in doing it till something comes up), FA (420, got highest bandie, plus resto, so not much point maxing it, will do if really, do or die requirements etc :P)

Realm: Kul Tiras

Your Age: 20

Country (timezone): Wales, UK, GMT

Previous guild(s): Enrage Timer, Karma, Toxicate, Devils Rejects
Why you left them or want to leave them: Disbanded, Noobs, Noobs, Noobs who Q_Q and kick when you get the bronze drake in COS for the 100th time after carrying their lame asses through everyday, respectively. By the term noobs, i dont mean anyone specific (some were, some were great players), they just didn't "work" too well as a team.

Why do you want to join Element: Looks like you people know what your doing and i'd like to contribute to runs and have some fun while doing it, as well as putting my ass into getting Uludar cleared.

From where do you know Element: Well known guild in my server, saw a post on the forums for this app.

Times you can NOT play: Mostly during daytime hours for lectures, exam periods etc (im at uni). Sometime RL issues may arise as my uni life can prove somewhat hectic.

For how long you already play WoW: Been playing since Vanilla, old skool wow. Not on this char, used to have a horde tank which since TBC i have given to another family member.

For how long you play the character you apply with: 41 days, 23 hours. Its not 100, but seriously, you gotta be a nonce if you havn't L2P by the time you've done every instance in the WOTLK.

Raiding Experience: Old School: ZG, BWL, Onyx, MC (tanking). TBC: Kara, SSC, BT, MH (healing and tanking). WOTLK: VOA10/25, Naxx 10 and 25 man, EOE 10/25, Sarth 10/25 (healing and dps), although i know all the tacts for all the bosses, my previous guilds were not so competant, so completeing the 25 mans was a tedious endevour, ones which i have not yet completed to their entirity.

Attunements: All... does this question still apply?

Armory Link: Hmm, armory seems to be in maintainance atm, ill give a link once it gets back up. But to round it off, i got 1986 healing SP, 378 Haste, 17% Crit, 411 MP5 (with EL and WS on). Four pieces of Heroes. Although if you do check it, be aware i may have gear on at times for PVP resto and soloing elemental.

Anything Else: Although not top top geared, i do know what im doing. Im not the kind of nub to stand in a puddle of green muck while his health slowly ticks away, or stand in front of a dragons hit box and wonders why he died, its things like that, that really got me irritated with raiding in previous guilds or PUGs. I am familiar and skilled with every aspect of the shaman and their totems, inc totem twisting and when and where to use what totem, including resistance, buffing, offensive or defensive. Although familiar and skilled in Resto rotations, i typically just use which spell is mostly required at the time to reduce overhealing unless it is absolutley required.
I have and use TS + microphone. Addons such as DBM, recount, omen etc.

Anything you wanna know dont hesitate to ask.

Re: Enary - Shaman - Kul Tiras

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 1:36 pm
by Enary

Re: Enary - Shaman - Kul Tiras

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 9:04 pm
by Lassarandia
Sorry about the long waiting time. Will give you an answer by the weekend.

Re: Enary - Shaman - Kul Tiras

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 1:16 am
by Stejo
Thank you for your interest in Element, apologies for the really late reply. Unfortunately your gear is quite below our minimum requirements. Good luck in further applications.