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Mode - Shaman - Kul Tiras

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 3:07 am
by Mode
Name of your character: Mode
Class: Shaman
TalentSpec: Main spec: Resto – Secondery: Elemental
Race: Draenei.
Your Professions (and level): Herbalism 450, Alchemy 450, Cooking 445, First Aid 440 and Fishing 254 (im still levelling that).

Realm: Kul Tiras
Your Age: 28
Country (timezone): Denmark CET
Previous guild(s): Anarchy 99, Moonlight Council
Why you left them or want to leave them:
I left Anarchy 99, because before the wotlk nerf, some of the officers decided not to raid and I wanted to raid, so I joined moonlight council.
I left Moonlight Council because after some weeks in ulduar, some problems started to spire and a lot of the people started to leave. After a few days of bad raiding, something happen and the raidleader and some other people left and I saw that this was the time to leave to.

Why do you want to join Element:
Well this is a question I have been thinking a lot about. I left Moonlight Council with the feeling that I still wanted to raid, because raiding is one of the main reasons why I am playing this game.
I have read the general information and the requirements you have and I think that this is the perfect guild for me. I do have a real life as well, and when you have to combine real life with WoW, you have to keep focus when you are playing and in any situation do what is the best thing to do in that situation, raiding, pvp’ing or just hanging around farming.
I’m not the big theory crafter, but I’m a quick learner, I’m learning by doing. But I always read up on the tactics for a boss fight and watch the movies to get a basic knowledge about the fight, and basically have a clue what my position is during that encounter.
I would also like to join a guild with people that understand how to raid and when I’m saying that I don’t mean the tactics, but how to act in a raid. When you wipe, you run back, get your foodbuff and don’t whine about wiping, because if it’s not hard you aren’t learning anything. And mistake can happen.

From where do you know Element: As a raider on Kul Tiras I know Element by reputation
Times you can NOT play: At the moment I have a lot of time, so I’m on a lot, but in a couple of months, I’m not going to apple in the daytime.
For how long you already play WoW: Three and half years
For how long you play the character you apply with: I have 70 days /played.
Raiding Experience: I dinged 60 on my lock I have about a month before tbc came out, so I have only raided UBRS ones.
I have cleared Karazhan, Gruuls, Maggy, SSC, TK, Mount Hyjal, and Black Temple before the nerf. I have cleared 3 bosses in Sunwell.
I have cleared everything in wotlk, except Sarthation 10 man with 2 and 3 drakes up. And in Ulduar 25 I have cleared up to Auriaya and in 10 man, I have cleared up to Thorim.
Attunements: I don’t have any attunments on this char, because when I started to raid, you didn’t need any.

Armory Link: ... ras&n=Mode

Optional things you want to tell us:
As my secondary spec is elemental, my elemental gear is:
[Valorous Earthshatter Helm]
[Valorous Earthshatter Shoulderpads]
[Tunic of the Artifact Guardian]
[Conqueror's Worldbreaker Kilt]
[Bands of Mutual Respect]
[Wyrmrest Necklace of Power]
[Shroud of Luminosity]
[Girdle of Recuperation]
[Renewal of Life]
[Lost Jewel]
[Sundial of the Exiled]
[Dying Curse]
[Totem of Hex]
And for both specs I use :
[Eruption-Scarred Boots]
[Voice of Reason]
[Guiding Star]

I’m always ready to respec if its needed.

I have been a healer since I hit level 66 and have healed a lot. I know how my character works, what he can do. I always have the right food, flask and what is needed in a raid and im of course willing to pay the repair bills that I need to pay. I’m not afraid to say that I did something wrong, because you learn from your mistakes.
I have teamspeak and a mic, but because I have my computer in the living room and my girlfriend is home, it’s not always that I speak, but I always listen.

If you have any questions, dont hesitate to ask.

Thank you for taking time reading my applications.


Re: Mode - Shaman - Kul Tiras

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 3:40 am
by Niduyam
Very nice application, good luck. :)

Re: Mode - Shaman - Kul Tiras

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 10:57 am
by Mode
Hi.... Just wanted to hear if there was anything new about my application?

Re: Mode - Shaman - Kul Tiras

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 9:03 pm
by Lassarandia
Hey, we have seen it and you will get an answer by next weekend latest.

Re: Mode - Shaman - Kul Tiras

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 9:12 pm
by Mode
Okay cool, that sounds nice :)

Re: Mode - Shaman - Kul Tiras

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 1:20 am
by Stejo
Give me a tell ingame please.