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Gunmen Hunter - Kul Tiras

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 6:25 pm
by Gunmen
Name of your character: Gunmen
Class: Hunter
TalentSpec: Survival
Race: Dwarf
Your Professions (and level): Mining 450, Enchanting 309

Realm: Kul Tiras
Your Age: 14
Country (timezone): Holland
Previous guild(s): (at this realm) C O R E, Valour
Why you left them or want to leave them: Becouse I was leader of C O R E but i went ofline for a while and the guild had been broken.
I left Valour becouse they ware to undergeared, even for naxx.

Why do you want to join Element: Becouse I was looking for a new guild that is raiding Ulduar and this guild has even done whole Ulduar and im after that ;). This guild knows how to raid and listen to the leader, very much of the other guilds don't have that. A social guild would be nice too, and a good communication at the guild chat would be fantastic :D

From where do you know Element: When I was searching for a new good guild someone told me about the guild Element that it was a good and social guild that is very good at the raiding.
Times you can NOT play: Monday/Friday on day from the morning till... around 4 o'clock most times and i have to get of wow at 9-10 o'clock evening time from Monday/Thursday if its not holiday, but I got very much holidays now at the moment ;)
For how long you already play WoW: Two and half years
For how long you play the character you apply with: I have /played for 54 days, 12 hours and 47 minutes
Raiding Experience: I began playing wow just before Tbc came out so i didn't done much of the Classic raids (and Tbc not eather), I did for Classic: Zul'Gurub. Tbc: Gruul's Lair (not finished all), Karazhan and Zul'Aman (not finished all of it).
But at Wrath of the Lich King (pugged everything) I did: OS 10, (only) 25 with 1 drake up. EoE 10 for half, Naxx. 10 all (accept Loatheb), 25 Just first wing with Anub ect. VoA Archevon and pugged Emalon 10/25 both. But never tried Ulduar before becouse of undergeared guilds.

Attunements: I don’t have any attunments

Re: Gunmen Hunter - Kul Tiras

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 6:38 pm
by Stejo
I understand you're only 14 so I'll try not to pick on you, but especially since you're so young, if you expect people to take you seriously, work a bit more on your spelling and grammar when you post in public. Reading the rules on the sticky that's on the same friggin page you posted would also save you the trouble. Denied in any case.