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Naraku - Death Knight - Kul Tiras

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 11:43 pm
by Naraku
Name of your character: Naraku
Realm: Kul Tiras
Class: Death Knight
Race: Human
Your Age: 20
Country (timezone): Czech Republic GMT+1
For how long you already play WoW: It will be exactly four years at the beginning of this summer holidays.
For how long you play the character you apply with: 33 Days total, 30 Days at level 80.
Armory Link: Here

Your Professions (and level):
450 Blacksmithing - Picked this proffesion at the beginning for 3 extra sockets and epic craftables for initial raiding.
416 Jewelcrafting - I had mining together with blacksmithing before tho. I rerolled Jewelcrafting recently for Str gems and tanking trinket to improve my dps and offspecc gear. Also, prismatic gems make meta socket bonus easy maintainable, and without any need to sacrifice DPS stats for the meta bonus itself. I am not rushing with maxing the skill out, since i can do most of the cuts on my warrior alt, and i already achieved all desired benefits of JC with this skill already.
Cooking, Fishing, First Aid - 450

In the next major content patch we will be removing the prismatic quality of the jewelcrafter-only Dragon’s Eye gems. Like other gems, they will have to match the socket color to receive a socket bonus. When this change occurs, players with qualifying jewelcrafting skill will be provided a yet to be determined amount of Dalaran Jewelecrafter Tokens as compensation.
- This was just posted by <GM>Bornakk just today, 22nd May. If they implement this on live, i might be switching this prof in the future if there will be some other decent profesion reasonably better than the nerfed JC.

I am using two, currently blood dps as my mainspecc, and second build frost tanking for offspecc. Because of the "AoE" mechanic of my mainspecc, there is a chance i will go for unholy dps as second build in the future if there will be any encounters unfriendly to blood dps. Most of all prolly because of Heart Strike hitting two targets, refreshing diseases through glyphed Pestilence might broke some CC or trigger some other unwanted effects. I am willing to respecc if requested, but i would like to keep my dps specc as the main one.

Blood part is commonly used, nothing special there. Regarding the 20pts in unholy tree ... pretty much common as well, but, i am using 2/2 Epidemic instead for safer rotations, and 3/3 Morbidity to max out my Deathcoil damage, since i have Sigil of the Vengeful Heart. For this reason i had to sacrifice some points from Necrosis. This is the specc i would like to apply with (Some tweaks possible in the future tho).

My tanking offspecc. Same as before, the frost talents are commonly used, and only difference is the rest. I am using glyphed Pestilence here as well. This way the frost and unholy runes can be dedicated to proper threat generating abilities only. You wont be able to see my tanking stats on Armory, so i will post them here. (Tanking specc and gear, Frost presence, no buffs including no Horn of WInter)

HP: 32693
Armor: 28310
Hit: 205 Rating
Expertise: 86 Rating
Defense: 541
Dodge: 23.44%
Parry: 17.46%

Previous guild(s): Here
Why you left them or want to leave them:
Quintessence - I left the guild because players, which were innactive for like 6 months, were given a raidspot out of nowhere over the core members when Wotlk was released.
Endure - It was a small guild. Even tho we had problems with lack of ppl, we had very pro core. I still wonder how it was possible to disband the guild when we were clearing one boss after another just because ppl couldnt decide how we are going to kill Iron council on VT. Also some other misunderstandings occured as chain reaction. Loads of ppl left and it was impossible to remake the guild, so the rest of us decided to merge with some other small guilds (which happened about 2 or 3 times).
Forkrul Assail - That was our last merge destination. There was some drama in guildchat (dont know exact details), and we were blamed for our opinion even by the very same ppl which we gathered from the smaller guilds. Again, mature behavior being necessary besides good performance was proven again. Some players left, including me, because we didnt felt welcome anymore.

Why do you want to join Element: I consider Element as a raiding guild with necessary mature behavior, and i would like to be a part of this.
From where do you know Element: I play almost 4 years on Kul Tiras. And not knowing Element is like not knowing that sky is blue.
Times you can NOT play: I dont have any specific days i cant. But if something like that happens i would let everyone know on forums.
Raiding Experience:
Vanilla: - Only ZG on level 60. But i cleared the rest of classinc raids on lvl 80, since some mechanics are used even in the current encounters.
TBC: - Cleared everything up to Kalecgos. I stopped raiding in TBC when they introduced 3.0 patch with raid nerfs. Alot of people came online again, and rotations were tight thats why. Kinda waste to ninja a raidspot since i announced my DK reroll. I spend that time by farming gold for my DK instead of nerfed raids.
Wotlk: - EoE, OS (10man also with 2 drakes), Naxx - Cleared, Ulduar first 10 bosses
Attunements: Well, only thing i can consider an attunement will be key for Maly10, but nothign else.
My User Interface:
I try to stick with most default one as much as possible, to not be screwed when addons wont be working correctly when major patches are released. I tried to "trigger" everything to be seen on one screen.
WWS Log: Naxx25 Pug 23.5.2009
Nakkaz, Nerevar, Neeshka - All of them lvl 80, but not playing them alot recently.
Narathiel, Nashi - At the moment both lvl 70 and innactive.
The reason behind those alts is to get personal experience playing different class/raidrole so i can team up better with other players, such as raids. It also improve my theorycrafting a bit.
Other information:
Some of the stuff is already mentioned in requirements but i will mention them anyway.
I come prepeared with flasks and food for the raids. Rotations, for the sake of guild progress, are fine with me of course.
I have TS installed, got microphone as well, and i am able to speak even (maybe not at the start ^^).
For any additional information feel free to contact me ingame, or in this topic.
Regarding the WWS links, i am sorry but i dont have any stored anymore.
And, i know i could have explained things better in this app, but my browser crashed (meh) and i lost the whole original app ><, and at this hour i only have energy for a lite version. If i remember anything important i will edit accordingly.


Re: Naraku - Death Knight - Kul Tiras

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 10:32 pm
by Naraku
Added WWS log.

Re: Naraku - Death Knight - Kul Tiras

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:45 pm
by Stejo
Give me a tell ingame please.