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Derfalcon - Rogue - KT

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 5:04 am
by Derfalcon
Name of your character: Derfalcon
Class: Rogue
TalentSpec: 15/51/5 (CQC)
Race: Dwarf (male)
Your Professions (and level): 450 skinning/Leatherworking
Realm: Kul Tiras
Your Age: 20
Country (timezone): UK (GMT)

Previous guild(s):
Impervious: Guild Disbanded (no official reason given although I am assuming low raid attendance is the main one).
Cipher: Merger of Deviance and Atlantic City. Didn’t work out well (officer arguements) and most Deviance members went back into Deviance as a placeholder before moving on to other guilds.
Deviance: Merged with Atlantic City to form Cipher
Moonlight Council: Left to help found deviance (formed mainly from ex a99 and repentance players) a few weeks before Wrath came out.
A99: Stopped raiding over the summer due to poor attendance, with 13 of the members moving on to Moonlight.
Devils Rejects: Most of the hardcore raiders left (including all the rl’s) to join Aggro Raiders after conflict in officer county (as far as I know at least, I was a mere member and offline when most people left)
Dark Pack Guild Disbanded due to lack of raiders.
Imperii: Merged with Dark Pack.
Stars of Destiny: Social guild, left to start raiding when most of my friends there stopped playing

Why do you want to join Element:
I want to join element for two reasons. The first is to have fun (this should be the main reason anyone joins a guild) and the second is to kill bosses – and I’ll accept seeing my broken body lying beneath one massive demon/giant/gnome/whatever foot time after time until the boss gives up and dies from the sheer boredom of killing me for one more time. During the past year or so I have worked my way up through T4, T5, T6 and T7 content, progressing relatively steadily from sheer and utter newbie into a fully fledged hardcore raider. However as Deviance started suffering from a lack of signups my enjoyment from raids started declining (partly due to the strained atmosphere that was creeping into raids) and many of the raids when in Cipher were argument filled (I was never involved in one of the arguments however). Once we’d returned to the relative peace of Deviance I took a good look at why I wanted to play the game and, in conjunction with another member of Deviance, moved to the more casual Impervious (which also “happened” to have several old friends) in the hopes of regaining enjoyment from raiding again. This was successful – when I arrived I intended to only raid 3-4nights a week but by the end of the second week was attending 5-6raids (this includes alt runs, which were not part of the scheduled raid nights for impervious). While I was in Deviance I was in one of the top guilds on the realm and now that I have regained my enthusiasm for raiding (and the fact that impervious has disbanded, leaving me with no problems of leaving friends behind as they are already gone) I feel I should make the effort to get myself into the best guild I possible – and there is none better then element on this server.

From where do you know Element:
I think just about everyone on the server knows of element, but I would guess I first heard of you via a friend mentioning you (this would be a couple of years ago so can’t be entirely sure)

Times you can NOT play:
none, provided prior warning is given.

For how long you already play WoW:
Had a trial account given to me by a real life friend about 2 weeks before TBC came out and have been playing since, so roughly two and a half years.

For how long you play the character you apply with:
114days total, 29days at 80

Raiding Experience:
Vanilla: none, except going back there after TBC was out.
TBC: cleared Kara, Gruul, Maggy, SSC. 3/4TK (Kael ><), 5/6 MH and 7/9BT pre 3.0 nerf. Deviance was formed about a week after the nerf and we cleared BT, killed Kalecgos and wiped on Brutallus several times.
Wrath: Naxx 10/25clear, Mally 10/25 clear, VoA 10/25clear, OS 10(2drakes) and 25(3drakes) clear. 11/14Ulduar 10, 4/14 Ulduar 25.

MC, Kara and SSC/TK (although I first entered SSC and TK after the need for the attunement was removed)

Armory Link: ... =Derfalcon

Optional things you want to tell us: for example alternative gear, alts, ...
I haven’t got much alternative gear however I do keep at least one (and preferably more with varied speeds) main hand and one off hand daggers, swords, and maces so that (for example) should I win a shiny new main hand mace I have something that I could reasonably use as the offhand for mace spec (admittedly, my maces are rather poor, but my swords/daggers are better). I don’t pvp on my rogue so pvp gear is lacking - I have the movement freeing trinket (for fights such as Rage Winterchill) and a couple of pieces picked up from VoA when no other rogues wanted them in case I ever started to pvp.
I have the nobles deck sitting in my bank (finally created the last card I needed last week), waiting for the 8th, after which Darkmoon Card: Greatness will replace the Mirror of Truth.
In terms of gems, I tend towards agility over attack power as while attack power gives a very minor increase in dps (for my gear at least), agility gives more survivability - avoiding whirlwinds or hatefuls comes to mind, as well as the more rare evasion tanking when the MT dies...
I have several alts at various levels 65+ (so that I am able to have at least each profession on one character) but only one other 80 – a currently holy/prot dwarf pally who has a mixture of naxx 10/25man gear for both those specs and rather worse gear for ret – I do a bit of pvp as ret on this character but only when really bored (for some reason I am more reluctant to respec now I have duel talents then before when you could only have one at a time :s). His name is Derfy (in case you want to look him up) and provides the 3rd of the secondary professions (my rogue has 450 cooking/first aid while my pally has 450 fishing). The fact that he is a tank and healer means that I can experience all the aspects to each boss fight (although I have yet to take him into ulduar, and probably only will once pugs become more common place)
I should also mention that rather enjoy the theorycrafting side of the game and keep myself aware and up-to-date to changes to rogue mechanics (as well as the other classes, to a lesser extent)

wws links:
Ulduar10 killing the 1st 9 bosses (don’t be fooled by the name, I forgot to change the title of the report when I uploaded it – this is only the 2nd report I’ve uploaded, although I’ve used wws for just under a year now).
naxx25, full clear

I also don’t have a recent screenshot of my UI, but it is effectively the standard one. I’ll take a screenie the next time I am in a raid (most likely VoA on Wednesday) and edit the link into this post.
now its wednesday I pugged (shock, horror) a VoA and took a couple of screenies:
a boring one near the start of the fight

and an action one, about half way through

EDIT2: just realised these dont show main tanks/main tank targets. it would normally appear (when set up by the raid leader at least) just to the left of the tooltips, below dbm's warning bars

Re: Derfalcon - Rogue - KT

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 2:14 pm
by Derfalcon
Its now been the 10 days listed by Stejo (although lassarandia says only a week) so could I please at least get some confirmation that this application has been seen and is under consideration?
I also notice that another rogues application hasnt been responded to so I'm guessing the rogue class leader (if you have one?) is on holiday or something

Re: Derfalcon - Rogue - KT

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 2:43 pm
by Rikee
Element recieve several applications each day, most through pm's. Hence some applications don't get a personal/specific reply.

There is always a general up-to-date statement posted on the main website though (, under the topic "Guild Recruitment Module". Why don't you check it out, if you still have questions or want to pursue a member tag, contact a member ingame and he or she will redirect you to the person of your needs.

Re: Derfalcon - Rogue - KT

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 4:39 pm
by Derfalcon
While I understand that with several applications a day and people not wanting to spend all their game-time answering them it has been stated in two seperate, stickied, posts by element members (Stejo and Lassarandia) that you will get in conctact with us (admittedly they have different lengths of waiting time - 10 days and 7 days respectively) and as 10days has now elapsed I was checking what the status of my application was - I have held off on applying to other guilds because you havent responded and I dont want to apply to another and then you accept me. Also when I applied it was during the "all classes open" recruitment session - which only closed 7 days after I made my application.
I'll get in contact in-game later tonight

Re: Derfalcon - Rogue - KT

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 6:50 pm
by Harendates
Mate,u got your answer already...also me...And tbh nothing is gonna change if ur sayng that because u had wait u didnt get in another guild...From when i started to aplly to element i learn 1 thing:dont get angry,or if u get,dont show it and never say that u didnt get in another guild because u had wait for an answer...

Re: Derfalcon - Rogue - KT

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 11:09 pm
by Derfalcon
I'm not saying I didnt get into another guild because I've applied here - I made the choice to apply here knowing that there wouldnt be an immediate reply and as I dont feel that you should apply to more then one guild at the same time it was also a concious decision to be guildless (with all the limitations that brings) for the time-being.
I was merely asking for an update on the status of my application (no news is good news as the saying goes), to which I got the answer contact someone in-game as well as a pointer to other sources of information.

I am unaware of any anger in any of my posts, and none has been intended so if that is how it appears then I appologise.

Re: Derfalcon - Rogue - KT

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 6:14 pm
by Lassarandia
Yes, I know we are slow on that front. Sorry for this.

If you are still interested I would like to have a chat with you ingame sometime tomorrow pas 9 pm server time.