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Aribeth - Hunter - Kul-tiras

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 3:30 pm
by Aribeth
Name of your character:


Survival - Raid spec 0/15/56
BeastMastery - for some soloing, working on Thunderfury atm.
On Progressing raids, can & will spec for any specific encounter


Your Professions (and level):
Jewelcrafting 450
Achlemist 437 - just rerolled from LW & tailoring (100 mount), longer flasks ftw.
Fishing 450
Cooking 450


Your Age:

Country (timezone):

Previous guild(s):
1.Sin - Few server firsts, love this guild to bits, loved the people & leadership, really gets you
2.Vegas - Rised from the ashes of Sin, still had good time while it lasted.
3.Pretentious - Many old guildies from Sin, that's what drawn me in, great times still.

Why you left them or want to leave them:
Disbanded due to lack of progress - can apply to all 3, also Summer sucks!

Why do you want to join Element:
Have & always regarded Element as top capable guild, had many memories of competitive days between you
and Sin/Vegas, back when we all competing for server's first etc (BWL, AQ40, Naxx40, Sunwell - too
many to count). I've always enjoyed that competitive spirit, and want to continue that with you guys.
I'm not one to back off from challenges, will always be prepared, reading up strategy and making sure the bosses die as soon as possible :).

From where do you know Element:
Known element since forever, back when we're on Silvermoon. The day we transferred from SM->KT, we
knew we couldn't slack with you guys with us.

Times you can NOT play:
Can play anytime, tho sometimes i have to work on Friday/Sat when i'm needed for a part-time job.

For how long you already play WoW:
Since 2005 started as hunter, never rerolled. Do have too many alts tho.

For how long you play the character you apply with:
ok /played 357days on hunter, that actually made me a little sad. Love the theorycrafting side of the game, reading EJ forums etc, lucky to played with some top hunters, push each other to their limit.

Raiding Experience:
Vanilla wow - MC (I can solo now)!, BWL, AQ40 (C'thun server first - best wow kill for me), NAXX40
TBC - All Bosses, none stop raiding there until M'uru - 400 wipes? atleast?
WOTLK - Naxx25, OS3D, Voa25, Ulduar25, Maly25
Hardmodes - Not so much, 3Drakes & some 10man ulduar hardmode, lack of exceptional players to attempt in 25man.

All except Algalon

Armory Link: ... &n=aribeth

Wow raid stats:
Only recent I could find - few more in May if you click on the pretentious calendar.
P.s. Excuse my crappy application, since it's my first since I applied to Sin back in Mar 05.



Re: Aribeth - Hunter - Kul-tiras

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 5:25 pm
by Tripled
scrub hunter, defo no there! :P

GL mate would be good to see you around again :)

Re: Aribeth - Hunter - Kul-tiras

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 12:04 am
by Alexnick
Thank you for your interest in Element. We recently got in the guild a considerable number of new trialists. Because of that, we would like to ask you, if possible, to wait a few more days for the officers to evaluate your application in contrast to the classes/specs that are needed for fill Element's roster.