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Phaelia - Warlock - The Sha'tar

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 10:12 am
by spsgb
Name of your character: Phaelia
Class: Warlock
TalentSpec: Destro
Race: Human
Your Professions (and level): Tailoring 426/450 Engineering 441/450 (This about to be changed to JC)
Realm: The Sha'tar
Your Age: 29
Country (timezone): GMT
Previous guild(s): Pariah
Why you left them or want to leave them: Lack of raiding, tired of 'carrying' people
Why do you want to join Element: To be part of a guild made of win
From where do you know Element: Forums, wowjutsu, etc
Times you can NOT play: Fridays and Saturdays usually out on the pop - any other time is fine
For how long you already play WoW: Since the start of TBC
For how long you play the character you apply with: /played @ 80 for 10 days
Raiding Experience: Cleared all TBC except KJ
Armory Link: ... &n=Phaelia

Optional things you want to tell us: for example alternativ gear, alts, ...

Ok after looking at above link you guys will be reaching for the delete key....well I have applied on lock because your update says you will consider them, my 'main' is a DK named 'Spenny' IOP score 1640 levelled as we needed more melee dps at the time. Before that I used a holy pally in all TBC 'Spenceri'.
My lock is not badly geared after such a short time and I am easily pulling 3.8-4k single target, anyways asides from all that I can honestly say I know my shit and if you guys are anything like what I have experienced then you know good players are much harder to find than specific classes.

You can tell us here about your talentspec especially if your class supports several "useful" specs. EG when you apply as a druid, you should make sure if you want to be a healer or tank or dps or moonkin and if you are up for another spec as well.

I'm willing to spec as needed

Additional Infos

I am not a guild jumper, you can check my history and see I have been in same guild for 2 years so looking to move elsewhere is not an easy decision and I would not like to transfer within the server. I am still in guild have not left or been asked to or fallen out with anyone, I honestly just want to see end game raiding more often and think I could offer Element a valued addition.
Thanks for your time, hope to hear from you soon.
Sorry forgot to add, WoTLK cleared to Thorim on Heroic (All other keepers down) Cleared to Yogg on Normal

Re: Phaelia - Warlock - The Sha'tar

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 3:37 pm
by Alexnick
Thank you for you interest in Element, but we decided to deny your application. We woud like to wish you good luck with anything your pursue in the future.