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Achingturnip - Warrior - Kul Tiras

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 9:21 am
by Achingturnip
Name of your character: Achingturnip

Class: Warrior

TalentSpec: Main - Protection(15/5/51) Arms (55/16/0)

Race: Dwarf

Your Professions (and level): Engineer 413/450 mining 450/450Fishing 330 Cooking 410

Realm: Kul Tiras

Your Age: 19

Country (timezone): GMT

Previous guild(s): I have never been in a serious raid guild before, all guilds i have previously joined have been failures resulting in no guild activities what so ever. The guild i am currently in is Phoenix Rising which i joined a few months ago after impressing in a Naxx 25 pug. But in recent times the numbers have fallen which has made me look for a new guild.

Why do you want to join Element: I want to further myself as a better WOW character and how better to do it than be in the best guild in the realm, but don't let that fool you i'm not applying to have a 7 letter word ego boost above my in game head i want to see new content kill hard bosses and reap the benifits of a 10 wipe boss encounter. I want to learn from the best to become the best player i can be.

From where do you know Element: It's common knowledge that you are the top guild on the realm with the top players its all over the realm related forums on the web.

Times you can NOT play: I am very flexible i can be online whenever needed my usual gaming hours are form 10:00am-3:00pm and then come back online around 10:00pm untill i get bored or tired.

For how long have you already played WoW: Around 2 years

For how long have you played the character you apply with: 40 days game time

Raiding Experience: I have no Pre WOTLK raiding apart from a few level 60 raids.
All Heroics have been cleared
Naxx 10 (cleared)
Naxx 25 (cleared)
OS 10 (cleared)
OS 25 (cleared)
VOA 10 (cleared)
VOA 25 (cleared)
EOE 10 (cleared)
EOE 25 (N/A)
Uldar 10 few bosses downed
Uldar 25 few bosses downed in puggs

Attunements: N/A

Armory Link: ... gturnip&gn

Additional Info: I am a friendly, easy to talk to and down to earth person in RL, my gear is probably not up to the standard that you are used to but isn't bad saying i have got it all from pug groups which i bet you all no can be a nightmare at times. I am an eager player that is always looking to move forward and joining a guild such as Element would embrace that, I'm not applying to get a free ticket through content as some players would like to get, but i,m at the stage were pugging cannot take me any further as raids are getting longer and cannot be completed in 1 sitting. please consider me to be invited to your team as i think that me as a person would make a strong member to you and the skills that i have and will learn will be valuable in the future success of element.

many thanks

Jamie Taylor (Achingturnip)

NB I applied a couple of months back and i got told my gear isn't up to the standard that is needed. i've been workin on this as you probably can see so if you check me out on armoury hope i might qualify for your guild now.

Re: Achingturnip - Warrior - Kul Tiras

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 4:24 pm
by Alexnick
Thank you for your interest in Element, but we have to deny your application at this time. Since you asked for feedback, the main problem is your gear, which is more or less Naxx 10 lvl ( a couple items above that and a couple below that). As a tank this is a serious problem. For example, a dps player can be brought to an Ulduar 25 hard encounter and even without great gear, he/she can still try to do his/her best. On the other hand, an undergeared tank will require a lot more healing resources in order to stay alive and may still get 1/2-shotted from spike damage. Obviously, this cannot work. For us to test your abilities as a tank for our current targets in game (Ulduar 25 hard mode), we must first spend considerable time gearing you up through Ulduar 10 and Ulduar 25 normal. Unfortunately, this is something that we cannot do at the moment. Other than that, your application is quite good. My suggestion to you would be to apply to a guild that is still working on Ulduar 25 normal and work your away upwards from there. Good luck with anything you do in the future.

Re: Achingturnip - Warrior - Kul Tiras

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 2:24 pm
by Achingturnip
Thanks alot i appreciate your comments i will try that

good luck in uldar :D