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Teilathan - Hunter - Kul Tiras

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 4:46 pm
by Teilathan
Name of your character: Teilathan
Class: Hunter
TalentSpec: Marksmanship/Beast mastery
Your Professions (and level): Skinning 450, Leatherworking 450 (first in realm to get 450), Cooking 450, Fishing 450, First Aid 450
Realm: Kul Tiras
Your Age: 25
Country (time zone): UK (GMT)
Previous guilds and why you left them or want to leave them:
The Lords Of Midnight:This was my leveling guild, after I got in to the game and met Joana and became friends with him I left this guild and joined same guild as he was in.

The Band Of Friends: I was in this guild with friends, got to do some level 70 raids, like Kara, Zul Aman.

Dreamers: Attempt with a friend to make a raiding guild, we cleared 10 man content up to naxx (not EoE), after this we both wanted to join serious 25 man raiding guild.

Azeroth Alliance:My first official raiding guild. I am currently still with them, however this guild has now officially announced to be only social due to lack of people online during the raid times.

Why do u want to join Element:
I am a very skilled player who has been in a guild with only a few highly skilled players who share my love for raiding. I have wanted for a long time to join a guild where everyone shares my love and skill for raiding.

From where do you know Element:
Since I started playing the game I've always heard good things about Element. After I started raiding I have been following their progress through WotLK.

Times you can NOT play:
Ok, I do work evening/night shifts, and we have 2 week rota which is repeating. Basically I have 3 days in 2 week period I'm not free for the full raid duration, but 2 of those days I'm free almost the whole time and can happily be in reserve if u need me. If u want to know more about it you can whisper me in game and I'm happy to give you the full details. At the moment I do have 100% attendance in raids with Azeroth Alliance, this excluding few days I missed while on holiday in Finland (where I'm from).

For how long you already play WoW: I have been playing this game since July 2008.

For how long you play the character you apply with: Total time played 131days, 21 hours, at level 80 83 days, 12 hours.

Raiding Experience: Wotlk: Naxx 10/25, OS 10/25 (+2D), EoE, 10/25, VoA 10/25, Ulduar 10 cleared 13/14 , Ulduar 25 cleared 12/14. ToC 10 normal, cleared, ToC 25 normal, cleared 2/5.
During TBC I was quite new to the game still, so main focus was on heroics and only started raiding clearing Kara, Grull, Zul Aman, I was not in raiding guild during this. I have since gone back to clear more "old" raiding instances for fun and experience, finding out that most of these are easily 2 manned now at level 80.

Attunements: At the moment I have quests to do ulduar keepers in hard mode to get the key to Alagon (10 man), I have done 2 of them in hard mode before, but not after I got the quests.
I'm attuned to BWL, MC and have key to Kara. Although most attunments have been taken out of the game now.

Armory Link: ... =Teilathan

Optional things you want to tell us:

I will cover the most important thing first, and that is, I am making this application as a joint application with a friend, Joana. We are currently both in Azeroth Alliance. We have both been promoted to leaders of our respective classes due to our skills, knowledge and activeness in the game. We have been and always will be in the same guild, so I wanted to clarify this point that we come together or not at all. This does not mean that we have to be in the same raids all the time by any means, we only wish to be together in the same guild so we are able to progress together. We are submitting separate applications, though, and will wait patiently for responses to both.

I also have few alts, level 80 Paladin Teilanen (prot, Ulduar 10 cleared 11/14), level 80 Druid Teilda (resto, done some ulduar bosses when healer has been needed for 10 man runs with guild or a pug groups I've been in) level 80 Warlock Teilwa (not really done raiding on this). Others have not made it to level 80 yet.

I hope u will consider my application and my closest friends application. If you want to know anything else u can always send me an e-mail or whisper me in game.

Thank you for your time.

Re: Teilathan - Hunter - Kul Tiras

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 3:11 pm
by soulstalker
same as above give us a week for tank trialists as you obviously come in a pair cant really answer the other yet .

Re: Teilathan - Hunter - Kul Tiras

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:56 pm
by Teilathan
Ok. We will wait and see.
Thank you for letting us know about the situation


Re: Teilathan - Hunter - Kul Tiras

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 8:29 pm
by Teilathan
We were wondering what sort of decisions you had come to. We were told to wait a week while you were accessing other trialists and we have done so. It’s now been nearly two weeks since we last heard from you. As we wish to be loyal to one guild we have not sent out applications to any other guilds as of yet and so have been waiting entirely on your responses. Our current guild Azeroth Alliance has now completely disbanded and we are without any sort of guild or raids. Therefore we would be grateful if you could contact us soon and inform us with the situation of our application, or of any thoughts / questions you may have regarding us so that we may know what we are to do.

Re: Teilathan - Hunter - Kul Tiras

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 11:16 pm
by Niduyam
Hey, sorry for the very long wait, had some unexpected events causing us to take longer to decide than normal.

At the moment, fitting another Hunter into the guild is impossible, which means we can't offer you a raiding spot. While your application is very good, and would love to offer you a spot if we could, we would have to rotate members which is something we don't like to do, except for the most extreme examples. For now I'm afraid we have to decline both of your applications.

We wish you the best of luck with further applications, though you shouldn't have much trouble getting into a guild.