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Awena - Warlock App

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 8:09 pm
by Awena



Kul Tiras

Talent Spec:
I'm currently playing destruction due it being the spec I find to do the most raid dps (0/13/58). My secondary spec at the moment is Demonology (0/57/14), I specced this for the raid buffs but I do not enjoy playing it. Rather play destruction.

Your Professions (and level):
Enchanting(450), Inscription(449).

Swedish living in the UK

Your Age: 26

Country (timezone):

Previous guild(s):
My first raiding guild was called <Exile> which merged to create <Infamy>. I was an officer in this guild. We cleared Hyjal and up to Bloodboil in BT.
<Infamy> disbanded. So Narkotic and I decided to apply to <Random> on Kul Tiras.
<Random> seems to be disbanding, so we are making a joint application to you.

Why do you want to join Element:
I want to be in a guild which is more than capable of managing hard modes in end-game raiding. I want to see all content and enjoy myself whilst doing so.
I feel like a guild is a community for me, joining <Element> would be like moving home from a cardboard box to a mansion.

From where do you know Element:
You are the top guild on the server. I don't live under a rock ;)

Times you can NOT play:
Very rare that I won't be able to attend a raid. If I can't attend one, I will be able to inform you in advance.

For how long you already play WoW:
Account Created: 2 March 07 17:30 CET. I have only ever had small breaks from WoW(few days) and ofc vacations now and then.

For how long you play the character you apply with:
42 days on my Warlock, around 250 days across all my other characters.

Raiding Experience:
Vanilla: I have cleared this at level 70 and 80. But I started playing in TBC.
TBC: I cleared everything up to Brutallus pre-nerf and all others after nerf.
Wrath: Ulduar25 - XT and Leviathan on Hard mode. All except Mimiron hard mode in Ulduar 10man. Trial 25 and 10 cleared.

Attuned for everything currently raidable. I switched mains a couple of times with expansions so I have titles/attunements on my mage and shaman that you will not see on my warlock.

Armory Link: ... %C3%81wena

Optional things you want to tell us:
I know a couple of people in <Element>, Tripled and Mortala. But I have raided with a few of your members on alt runs etc. I switched mains due to being given the option by my guild officers.

Re: Awena - Warlock App

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 9:56 pm
by Tripled
a weiner dude!

Re: Awena - Warlock App

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 11:44 pm
by Niduyam

Thanks for your application. As you can see, we're pretty much swamped with them at the moment and we need time to discuss it. In the mean time, if you could wait a few days for us to get a better idea of how we're going to handle trials, it would be appreciated.

Thanks again for applying, will update you as soon as we can.

Re: Awena - Warlock App

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 2:14 am
by Awena
Thanks for the reply. I just wanted to add something to my application regarding my raid dps, as I should think it might need a little clarification should you venture into sifting through our WWS logs.
I have some links to some WWS reports from before I was forced to spec Demonology for the 10% spell power raid buff(bare in mind that my gear was worse back then):

Normally on any fight I was on higher or at least on par on damage/dps with the other warlocks in the guild.
I was never really useful as demo in my opinion. Occasionally I specced back to Destruction but after getting used to failing as Demonology, I found myself in an awkward situation. Forgetting rotations due to lack of practice etc.
I feel 100% more comfortable when playing Destruction and it definitely shows on the meters. I can assure you that I am putting in a lot of effort to perfect myself for raiding as destruction and hope I can prove that to you guys ;)
I'm afraid there really is nothing I can link you that is even remotely recent which shows me playing destruction, just a load of demo failage.
All I can do is simply hope that this post does not impede the progress of my application, but I had to justify the reasoning behind such shockingly terrible damage output.

Re: Awena - Warlock App

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 11:51 pm
by Niduyam
Hey, sorry for the late response. At the moment we don't have another space open for a Warlock so I'm afraid we have to decline your application. We wish you good luck with any further applications.