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Saus - Gnome Mage, redux

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 10:28 pm
by Sauce
I'm reposting my application after talking to some Element people and clearing up some misunderstandings. I'm putting this up at the last chance I have before leaving on a weekend mountain trip, I'll be back late Sunday or Monday, sorry for mucking about and wasting time :oops:
Name of your character: Saus
Class: Mage

TalentSpec: 57/03/11 Arcane, with a 20/51/0 TtW Fireball spec as my offspec. I played Fire up untill the 3.2.2 patch made Arcane the highest DPS mage spec. My arcane spec is a cookie cutter spec, but I've moved a point from Magic Attunement and one from Student of the Mind to pick up 2/3 Incanter's Absorption for the nice boost it gives on whatever fights involving AoE damage or frost/fire damage.

I used to love Arcane for being the only mage spec without a completely fixed priority-rotation, with a lot of room for controlling damage versus mana, min/maxing and theorycrafting. Today, Arcane is essentially just a faceroll DPS spec, with one rigid DPS rotation with virtually unlimited mana. I still spend a lot of time reading up on ElitistJerks / looking over my gear in Rawr, but it's not the same as it was during T7 :(

Race: Gnoam.

Your Professions (and level): 450 Jewelcrafting / 450 Tailoring.

Realm: Kul Tiras.

Your Age: 17.

Country (timezone): Norway, GMT+1 (Server time).

Previous guild(s): <Klovner i Kamp>, a strictly Norwegian guild of Doomhammer, then of Anachronos, then Chamber of Aspects. KiK, as a strict nationalist guild, traditionally had problems recruiting for raids, and after swift initial progress through T7 content, we started slacking behind, and coming up towards Ulduar and summer the guild crumbled together. After beating myself up over loyalty issues I decided to transfer to Kul Tiras to join <Random>, which I found on the Alliance recruitment forums (as Chamber of Aspects PvE progress is just horrible, and I was aspiring to bigger things).

Why you left them or want to leave them: In Random things were swell for the three or so months I got to play with them, untill, as I'm sure you're hearing all over your application forums right now, attendance started slacking and people started leaving. Starting gently, today the guild crumbled. Several officers have even applied to your guild. Although I still at the point of disintergation considered myself a new addition to the guild, I am going to miss the guild a lot.

Why do you want to join Element: The funniest thing is that I can't really answer that. In my opinion, the best case scenario would be to remain in Random, but by now it would seem that's in the past. I'm seeing that quite a large chunk of the guild are applying to you, and a desire to play with former guildies along with what I suppose would be taking the chance to move up on progress now that I have it is the best answer I can give.

From where do you know Element: Gchat and Random abuse :(

Times you can NOT play: I can't *raid* 7-17 / 18, but I can and will be online before raids.

For how long have you been playing WoW: Nearly two years.

For how long you play the character you apply with: I've only ever played my mage, I love the class and can't think of playing anything else - my alts die before they hit 80 :(
Not to worry though, I jew enough gold through my Jewelcrafting.

Raiding Experience: As nothing but a shameful Burning Crusade child, I never got to raid in Vanilla :(
During TBC with <Klovner i Kamp> I cleared Kara, ZA, Gruul/Maggy and one or two earlier bosses in SsC/TK before the 3.02 raid nerf, after which we cleared SsC, got to 3/4 TK and by a hair's width 4/5 MH.

I'd like to point out that at this time I considered myself a casual player, in a casual guild.
During WotLK I've cleared Naxx10/25, EoE10/25, OS10/25 +3, Ulduar10/25 (Done all the 10 man Ulduar hardmodes with the exception of Mimiron and Vezax, I've managed to miss out on all those raids. Random has downed Algalon10 but I haven't :c) with a few 25 man hardmodes, and finally cleared ToC10/25, with 10 man hardmodes up to Anub. Done Onyxia10/25.

Armory Link: ... ras&n=Saus

Re: Saus - Gnome Mage, redux

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 11:33 pm
by Niduyam
OK, sorry about the confusion caused. Will get you a reply as soon as we can.

Re: Saus - Gnome Mage, redux

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 11:18 pm
by Niduyam
Hey, would like you to offer you a trial. If you could log on for a chat with either me or any of the other officers (preferably Lassarandia, Zii or Soulstalker) that'd be great.