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Zelanis - Rogue - Kul Tiras

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 8:01 pm
by Zelanis
Name of your character: Zelanis
Class: Rogue
TalentSpec: 15/51/5
Race: Blood Elf (will change faction if accepted ofc)
Your Professions (and level): Skinning 450 LW 445
Realm: Kul Tiras
Your Age: 21
Country (timezone): UK
Previous guild(s): Pendulum, Legeends
Why you left them or want to leave them: I want to be involved in more raids instead of places being passed to new applicants.
Why do you want to join Element: Amazing reputation, i wish to help out the guild and firther my charachters development. i also want to see everything the game has to offer
From where do you know Element: Im Horde side of the same realm
Times you can NOT play: rarely
For how long you already play WoW: 5 years
For how long you play the character you apply with: 59 d 19 h
Raiding Experience: Naxx, Uld, EoE, OS, VoA, ToC, Ony, all 10 and 25
Attunements: everything neccesary
Armory Link: ... &n=Zelanis

Optional things you want to tell us: obviously the first problem that arises is that atm i am horde side, the reason for the change is basically more flexability with my character, horde side are vastly outnumbered on kul tiras and i want to be on a side where i will get groups in less than an hour and be with guilds that have space for me. I have a pally, Dk and priest alt i would also be willing to transfer over if i were to be accepted. in relation to contacting me i would be checking online then would make an ally on KT and talk to somone in game. thanks for reading

Re: Zelanis - Rogue - Kul Tiras

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 12:04 am
by Niduyam
Hey, your application is somewhat lacking and aside from that, your gear and presumed experience aren't at the level we're currently looking for right now. Application denied.