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Rumour - Rogue - Kul´Tiras

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 2:04 am
by Rumour
Name of your character: Rumour

Class: Rogue

Talent Spec: Combat Swords (20/41)

Race: Gnome

Your Professions (and level): Herbalism (375/375) / Leatherworking (371/375)

Realm: Kul’Tiras

Your Age: 26

Country (timezone): Portugal ( GMT+1)

Previous guild(s): Random

Why you left them or want to leave them:

My original character was a priest called Shakaa in Silvermoon server where I joined Random back in the old MC days. I migrated with them to Kul’Tiras and later on when TBC came I decided to reroll rogue. Inevitably in three years a lot of changes occurred within the guild and after being there for so long I just got tired of quite a few things that, out of respect for the guild, I prefer not to mention it here. Let´s just say that raid environment is particularly tough nowadays, it doesn´t take much to slowdown guilds progress due to lack of will or just skills and unfortunately that´s Random current reality, which, among other reasons over so much time just made raiding no longer enjoyable.

Why do you want to join Element:

I want to join a guild that has the same goals as I do which is clear all PvE content within a reasonable amount of time while having fun doing it, which I believe it´s something Element can offer. The only reason I play this game is to raid and having cleared every single instance since it went live I don´t intend to start making any exceptions. :P

From where do you know Element:

I´ve known Element pretty much from its beginning back in Silvermoon server, I remember at the time I even did a Stratholme trial run for my priest with Stejo, Alexnick, a mage and warrior whose names I don´t recall, however I do remember the warrior didn´t migrate to KT. Unfortunately I didn´t get in at the time since another priest had already been recruited.

Times you can NOT play:

I´m at vacations at the moment so any raid schedule is good for me and even when college starts again in September there shouldn’t be any problem. (had ~90% attendancy over the 3 years I was in Random which has a raid schedule very similar to yours)

Also, I´d be negligent (to say the least) by doing this application and not referring this: I consider myself a dedicated player both in and outside raids – which I´m sure all the people that know me share the same opinion – but I do have a “bane” which is dinner that happens to be during raid time. One of the positive things about Random is the tolerance for these sort of things which never posed a problem at least when it came to me since Saroz knows that apart from those 5-10mins I ask to have dinner with my family I give my best in raids regardless if we´re doing a boss or just trash mobs. I don´t know what´s Element policy regarding this but I can assure you that if dinner time happens to be at inconvenient time for the raid (aka boss time) I´ll just eat at PC so it shouldn´t be an issue and as I said before I want to be completely upfront with this.

For how long you already play WoW:

Started playing in US Beta and been playing ever since.

For how long you play the character you apply with:

Rogue - 124 days played
(pre-TBC) Priest - 108 days played

Raiding Experience:

Pre TBC:
Molten Core: Cleared
Zul'Gurub: Cleared
Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj: Cleared
Blackwing Lair: Cleared
Temple of Ahn'Qiraj: Cleared
Naxxramas: Cleared

Karazhan: Cleared
Zul'Aman: Cleared
Gruul's Lair: Cleared
Maghteridon's Lair: Cleared
Serpentshrine Caverns: Cleared
Tempest Keep; The Eye: Cleared
Mount Hyjal: Cleared
Black Temple: Cleared
Sunwell Plateau: 2/6 (read tactics and seen several videos from several class pov of the remaining bosses)


All attunements complete.

Armory Links:

- Rogue: Armory / CtProfile


Not that this is much relevant to the application but I also have a few alts:

- Priest
- Warlock
- 67 and 60 warrior (horde and ally side)
- 60 rogue and 57 shaman (on different servers)

Regarding UI, I like to keep track a bit of everything going on while trying to keep it simple, here it is: UI.


As I told Stejo, I´m aware Element isn´t currently recruiting rogues but I thought I´ll give it a try anyway.

I hope I made a good first impression since this is actually my first guild application in WoW so feel free to whisper me if you have any questions.


Re: Rumour - Rogue - Kul´Tiras

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 12:36 pm
by Vorgoz
"sigh" another one. Rumour was the kind of rogue that remind me so much of kuro, the bane of my own existence, the single person in raid, i never would have a shot at catching upto on DPS, no matter how much consumables i used, or how much i tried.

And rumour, GL on the application.

Re: Rumour - Rogue - Kul´Tiras

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 1:05 pm
by Tomas
Vorgoz wrote:.. i never would have a shot at catching upto on DPS, no matter how much consumables i used, or how much i tried..
you DONT want to know why

Re: Rumour - Rogue - Kul´Tiras

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 9:16 pm
by Vecna
am quite sure the mage was Runos,i have group his priest,pretty good one, dont know for his rogue.

gl in your application .

Re: Rumour - Rogue - Kul´Tiras

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 10:25 pm
by Lassarandia
Would like to talk to you, if possible at the weekend somewhen.

Re: Rumour - Rogue - Kul´Tiras

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 10:37 pm
by Lassarandia
or actually tomorrow if possible