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Dasaldira - Feral Druid

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 9:29 pm
by Dasaldira

Name of your character: Dasaldira

Class: Druid

TalentSpec: Feral Combat, 0/44/17

Race: Night Elf

Your Professions (and level): Leatherworking 375/375, Skinning 375/375

Realm: Grim Batol

Your Age: 18

Country (timezone): The Netherlands, Central European (GMT+1)

Previous guild(s): No Remorse, Splinter.

Why you left them or want to leave them:

Well, my RL friends migrated to this realm and there are no people left i know except for my guildmates, and the most important thing is playing with the people you like, right?

Why do you want to join Element:

Because i have been looking around on guild websites and their policy's, and yours attract me the most.
Also i'm looking for a good and stable raiding guild to race trough the expansion with the top core raiders and be one of the first to explore new content for once. Also i would love to figure out bosstactics instead of allways read them ezmode.

From where do you know Element: Friends recommendation and the popularity you have on the server ofc.

Times you can NOT play: Can raid pretty much every day and time except, on some Fridays or Saturdays.

For how long you already play WoW: Allmost 2 years.

For how long you play the character you apply with: 111 days played.

Raiding Experience:

Karazhan, Gruul, Magtheridon, SSC, TK, MH, BT, Cleared multiple times, and killed most bosses before they got nerfed.
Sunwell Plataeu, Kalecgos, Brutallus, was inactive during the first Felmyst and Eredar Twins kills, And atm we are still on M'uru, ofc downed everyone before patch 3.0.2


Got Champion of the Naruu, Hand of A'dal and all other attunement quests complete before they got removed and unnessecary.

Armory Link: ... =Dasaldira

Optional things you want to tell us: for example alternativ gear, alts, ...

Well, u can see my main tank gear on the armory, i got a full set off dps gear with hitcap, and around 3800ap. and 41% crit.
I got my fully enchanted set of shadow and fire resistance set for shahraz and illidan, i got some pvp resto and balance gear wich would be of no use for sunwell level, and i got 1 horde char wich i doubt will be off any use.

Furthermore, i can say i am a active and dedicated raider who knows what it takes to progress, and is willing to do everything to go for it, you can expect me to be there on critical moments farm enough consumeables to last a month and never let my guildmates down. I apologize for my thin application im not that good with words, but i think you can tell more how i am as a person and player in game.

Atm i am on Grim Batol server, but i am ready to migrate in a few days, if you got any questions regarding anything at all whisper me in game, or e-mail me.

Tnx for reading this, and lets pew, pew in wotlk :P



Re: Dasaldira - Feral Druid

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 2:23 pm
by Lassarandia
Just wanted to make a note here that we talked ingame.